From Caroline Lucas MEP, Leader of Green Party of England and Wales (via Twitter @CarolineLucas - Feb 15, 2010) :
"Wishing you every success. Sorry I can't be with you this time - but what you're doing is hugely important - thank you."
From Page van der Linden, Contributing Editor for (via Twitter @plutoniumpage - Feb 16, 2010):
"Congratulations on a great action!"
From Nagasaki Global Citizens Assembly (Feb 6-8, 2010):
"The Fourth Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons sends our message of support and solidarity to the participants in the Trident Ploughshares Peaceful Blockade of the UK Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston on February 15, 2010. Gathered in Nagasaki, February 6-8, we citizens of Japan and the world, including Hibakusha (atomic bomb survivors) and our families, demand that no-one should ever again suffer from these terrible and inhumane weapons of mass destruction. Any use of nuclear weapons would be a crime against humanity. President Obama's call to build the “peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons” has been endorsed by the Japanese and UK governments, and we call for concrete steps to fulfil these commitments and reduce the role of nuclear weapons in military and security policies. We join in your call on the British Government to take the Trident nuclear weapons out of deployment and not replace them, and to become a global leader in pursuing the abolition of nuclear weapons. We support implementation of the UN Secretary-General's disarmament plan, including preparations for negotiations on a Nuclear Weapons Convention."
Hideo Tsuchiyama
Organizing Committee of the Nagasaki Global Citizens’ Assembly
for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Message of Solidarity from Japan for the Aldermaston Big Blockade on February 15, 2010
We sign our names to the Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly's message of support and solidarity to the participants in the Trident Ploughshares Peaceful Blockade of the UK Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston on February 15, 2010. We demand that no-one should ever again suffer from these terrible and inhumane weapons of mass destruction. Any use of nuclear weapons would be a crime against humanity. We join in the call on the British Government to cancel the Trident nuclear weapons system and not replace it, and to become a global leader in supporting the UN Secretary-General's disarmament plan and President Obama's call to build the 'peace and security of a world without nuclear weapons'.
Revised, February 14, 2010
Akira KIMURA Professor of Kagoshima University
Atsushi Fujioka Professor of Economics, College of Economics, Ritsumeikan University
Hiroyuki Takeya Emeritus Professor of Nagoya University
Ishikawa Shoji Professor, Kurume University, Kurume, Fukuoka
Makiko Miyahara Lecturer, Fukuoka
NOMURA Osami Dr. Eng.
ODA Sen-ichi PhD, Professor of Nagoya University
Shozo Yoshida professore di Universita' di Nagasaki
Sumio TOJO Professor Emeritus at Saga University, Agriculture
Takayuki KOJIMA Professor Emeritus at Saga University, Agriculture
Takeshi Yoshida Former Professor, Fukuoka Institute of Technology
TERAO Terumi Professor Emeritus at Nagoya Institute of Technology
Toshio HATAYAMA Professor, University of Saga
TOYOSHIMA Kouichi Professor of Physics, University of Saga
Yasunori Fukuoka Professor of Sociology at Saitama University
Yoshikazu Shibano Nagasaki, Vice-chairman of Executive Committee of The 4th Nagasaki Global Citizens' Assembly for the Elimination of Nuclear Weapons
Yuuta Aono Research Associate, Kyushu University, Fukuoka
Diverse sectors
Akiko ISHIKAWA Fukuoka
Azuma KURATA Buddhist, Fukishima Prefecture
Filo Hirota JPIC coordinator
FUJITANI Hideo Sagamihara
Haruko Ishikawa Catholic Religious
Haruko Shibasaki Tokyo
Hayashida Riki Author of "The Suit TOKYU Land Corp's Fraud"
Hiro UMEBAYASHI Special Advisor, Peace Depot, Inc. Japan
Hiroshi IDEO The Vice President of Nagasaki Retired Teachers' Union
Hirosi HAMANAKA teacher, Kyoto
Izumi Tanaka Tokyo
Junko Abe translator, Matsuyama
Jyunpei MINAMI farmar, Kyoto
Kanji Ito Photo Group Patorone, Kitakyusyu
Kazuko SHIOMACHI Artist, Kanzaki-City, Saga
Kazuyo Furuyashiki Catholic nun
Keigo SUGITANI Ski Patrol, Yosano-cho, Kyoto Prefecture
Kenji Kawashima A retiree, also a member of NPJ
Kimihiko Ootsuru misato saitama
KIMURA Mari Bunkyo-ku, Tokyo
Koji Sugihara NO!to Nukes and Missile Defense Campaign
Kuniyo KAWABATA Secretary of NGO, Minato-ku, Tokyo
Mari Morozumi Office Worker
Masako Ikeda Office Worker
Masako SIMIZU teacher, Kyoto
Masami Imagawa Ex-member of the House of Representatives
Masumi Mukai Translator
Mayumi Nito Therapist, Suzumenoki Counseling Center, Nisshin
Michiko Oki Saitama
Mieko Iwasaki
Miharu KUSAKABE teacher, Kyoto
Mitsugi Moriguchi The Nagasaki Global Citizens'Assembly for the Eliminaition of nuclear Weapons Executive, Nagasaki
Mitsumasa Ohta Chiba
MURATA koji editor
Nobuyoshi Sato
OHASHI Shinji Shizuoka-City
Reiko INABA 73, Kamata, Toyookasi, Hyogo
Ryoko SUGITANI teacher, Kyoto
Shinya Moriguchi Fukuoka
Sigeru HIRABAYASI teacher, Kyoto
Taro Abe Teacher
TOKITA Akihiro Tokyo
Toshiko Nakashima Yoshinogari, Saga
Tsuneaki Gunjima Priest
Yasuji Waku Teacher, Kyoto
Yoko Nakamura Aichi Prefecture
Yuko Matsukawa Tokyo
Yutaka OHATA Saitama
Yuuko Mizonishi Pharmacist, Saga City
Naoko Kugo Eko tua gaid, Miyazaki, Kyoto
Shinji Kugo Farmer, Miyazaki, Kyoto,
Satoru Mitsuoka MD, Phd, Director of the Mitsuoka Naika Clinic, Saga City
From Andrew Smith MP, Oxford East:
"I send my best wishes and support to you peacefully demonstrating opposition to the renewal of Trident nuclear weapons. These weapons are abhorrent, do not contribute to our defence or security, and consume vast resources which could so evidently be better deployed elsewhere, in combating poverty and climate change as well as better equipping conventional forces. It is encouraging that public opinion increasingly understands this, and I hope your campaigning effort today raises further the profile of this vital issue and wins support for saying no to Trident."
Mr Smith voted against replacing Trident in 2007.
From Green Councillors in Ladywell, Lewisham, south London (via Twitter @greenladywell - Feb 15, 2010):
"Well done to the anti-nuclear protestors at AWE - how dare the govt tell us to accept cuts in services when they waste money on Trident etc."
From Matthew Butcher, Green Party candidate for Nottingham South (via Twitter @matthew1butcher - Feb 15, 2010):
"Well done to those at #aldermaston. £76 Bn on nuclear weapons is a waste of taxpayers money."
(Last updated: 22 Feb 2010, 16:04)